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Saving While Seeing in Seattle, Washington

Updated: Aug 30, 2021

How to get the most out of your visit to Seattle, plus some hidden gems in the surrounding Pacific Northwest Area

Alright, Alright. You most likely are already thinking "Seattle. The Space Needle. The Gum Wall. Pikes Place. I already KNOW all of this is there!" And you aren't far off at all. Because well, your trip to Seattle *doesn't* count if you didn't hit these... BUT there are so many more under-appreciated parts that really seal the deal on the Emerald City for me.

“At night, what you see is a city, because all you see is lights. By day, it doesn’t look like a city at all. The trees out-number the houses. And that’s completely typical of Seattle. You can’t quite tell: is it a city, is it a suburb, is the forest growing back?” – Jonathan Raban

I love that quote because it truly is the only way to really describe Seattle. You just can never quite put your thumb on what you would categorize it as.

Eat your way through the City

My husband and I have a motto we live by when traveling. "Save money on the actual travel, spend it on all the food there instead." And we truly follow that like it's religion. I guess you know where our priorities stand! #LetsBeReal #Foodie4Life

Biscuit Bitch: Yes, that is the actual name. (Sorry Grandma, please still send a Christmas card.) Sitting on 1st Ave, this is just a two minute walk from Pikes Place, and a 5 minute drive from the Space Needle. This is THE spot to hit for Breakfast. When I tell you that you will DIE over this food, I mean it. They offer 5 different styles of Biscuits and Gravy (which may make me biased, as this is my fav breakfast dish), 'Bitchwiches' (A biscuit sandwich), Grits for sides, and a variety of 'dranks'. Their food is southern comfort meets city.

Photo Courtesy of Biscuit Bitch Instagram

Ivar's Acres of Clams:

The BEST place to get some classic Fish and Chips, with a view right on the pier. My aunt, a Seattle local, has tried all the seafood in the area and swears by Ivar's, and I would have to agree. Located on Pier 54 along Seattle’s Waterfront, overlooking Elliott Bay it's just a few minutes from the Downtown area. I recommend eating outside on the water, but the seagulls may try to steal your food! (You've been warned). The seagulls are so used to people there though, that if you hold out a fry nice and still, they will come scoop it out of your hand! Watch the gif below to see a seagull eat a fry out of my aunt's mouth!!


The "Must See's"

The Space Needle:

The space needle is like the Eiffel Tower of America... You've got to see it at least once, you have to go to the top and look out over the city, it will probably be crowded, and then you'll probably never go again. (Remember my goal of this blog is to be REAL and candid always, so it's just the truth. Sorry to my Seattle native's reading this, it really is cool.) But like I said, you HAVE to go at least once, or your Seattle trip is invalid if you don't stop here. You will have an unbeatable view of the city and the water. You need to buy tickets ahead of time on their site which I linked here. You can also buy a bundle pass that includes admission to the Space needle and the Chihuly Garden and Glass museum next door. I went before the day's of Covid, so I cannot speak to if there are any current limitations on visiting, make sure to check online beforehand!

Chihuly Garden & Glass Museum:

Chihuly was something I had never heard of before, but I was pleasantly surprised! To my art lovers, or even just those trying to kill some extra time, this is a great stop for you! The amount of time you spend in the galleries depends on you, as the visit is self-paced, I would say you need at least 1-2 hours to really see everything though. The exhibits showcase the studio glass art of Dale Chihuly. What truly blew me away about these works of art, was the sheer size of them! They are huge and take up entire rooms, and are made entirely of glass. My favorite part was the final exhibit, where you can look through the art and glass ceiling, and see the Space Needle right above you!

Pikes Place Market:

Pikes place literally has it all. This was hands down my favorite place to visit in Seattle. They have a farmer's market with fresh produce, fish, florals, pastries, spices, handmade goods, and art. The market winds all over the building, both indoors and out. Make sure to duck when they are tossing the fish across the walkway to be sold though! It's fun to watch them toss 15 lb fish to one another and sing. Pikes Place is a blending of all sorts of worlds, creators, and industries that has something for everyone. Pike's isn't overly "touristy" with it's goods either, which makes a good place to buy authentic Seattle souvenirs that aren't a basic T-shirt, keychain, or snow globe. And again with the food, they have fresh donuts running down a conveyor belt for you to eat while they are still hot, and the best fresh smoothies with ingredients that were picked just that morning. It is refreshing as well to purchase from individuals who it means the world to.

The Gum Wall: There isn't really need for an explanation here beyond the name

itself. It's a wall, and it's plastered top to bottom with chewed up gum. It makes a great photo opp, just make sure you don't lean against the wall, and don't forget your own pack of gum to add to the wall! Use hand sanitizer after because *shudder* germs and stranger's spit...bleh.

Seattle Mariner's Game:

Before I got married, I wasn't the biggest sports gal if you will. But even I, a girl who didn't know the first thing about baseball, enjoyed the game! I even got a kiss from the Moose Mascot, which left me with a glossed lip full of fuzzy fur lol (don't recommend that part). If the Mariner's have a home game while you are there, grab a hotdog and a drink and go catch a MLB game!

The Boeing Museum of Flight:

The Boeing Factory is literally mind blowing. Take a second and think about how MASSIVE an airplane is. Now put that fully assembled airplane and a few of his buddies INSIDE A BUILDING. Yes, you read that right, inside a building. That is how massive the Boeing Factory building is. You really can't understand how huge it is until you are there. And you can take a tour and watch as they build the airplane you most likely flew on to get there in the first place. The Factory is so huge, it has dry cleaners, post offices, and restaurants on each level for the employees. It is a city in and of itself. You

do have to buy tickets for the tour ahead of time, which you can do so through this link. Again, with Covid restrictions I am not sure if they are offering tours at this time.

Beyond the City:

Within 30 minutes outside of the city, the Pacific Northwest Area has some of the prettiest views I've ever seen. Once you get into the tree's, you'll hardly believe you were just surrounded by skyscrapers.

Lake Twenty-Two Trailhead Hike:

Call me a psycho, but a hike is necessary for me to consider a trip complete. Lake Twenty-Two is absolutely stunning! Between the massive moss covered pines, a river, and the mountain enclosed lake at the top, this really does have it all. Because the PNW stays a nice temperature year round, it's never too hot or too cold for a long hike. Lake Twenty-Two is a 7 mile roundtrip hike. I'll let the pictures speak for themselves, but if you're in the area and craving some movement and fresh air, this is the hike to hit. If you go early enough in the day, there is plenty of parking and the trail won't be too busy.


Mukilteo is a city located on the Puget Sound between Edmonds and Everett, about 25 minutes north of Seattle. If you dig in the rocks on the beach, you will find hundreds of

tiny baby crabs! In my opinion they look like big spiders with armor, kinda creepy but fun anyways. Mukilteo has a lot of restaurants, coffee shops, and parks. There is a functioning lighthouse and a ferry you can take across the sound. Mukilteo is a great place to stop for lunch or to watch a sunset before or after catching the ferry!

Take a Ferry to Whidbey Island:

Whidbey Island has amazing seafood, Deception Pass State Park, and the San Juan Islands. Take your car on the ferry and spend the day exploring the island! Deception Pass has an amazing bridge with boats passing beneath often as you drive over top. Further into the island you will hit the San Juan Islands. Find a beach along this path and enjoy the waves and quiet. I don't recommend getting in the water though, as it was still ice cold in late July!

Thank you for taking the time to read about my time in Seattle and the Pacific Northwest. I hope this offer's help in deciding how to best spend your time visiting Washington. I would love to hear your experience! Leave a comment either here or on our instagram, or shoot me a message

Safe Travels and Best Wishes to you!




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