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Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland: The Valley of 72 Waterfalls

Updated: Sep 16, 2021

My life truly was changed once I had travelled to Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland. What I would give to experience the feeling of seeing it for the first time all over again!! After this trip, I swore I would be back (which was going to happen until covid ruined my plans *insert my eye roll here*), and a new nagging NEED to see the world woke up in me. If this little village that I had never heard of blew me away, then how many other hidden places could there be around the world?? Sounds cheesy and like a Hallmark movie, I know. But Lauterbrunnen really did something to me that I will never get over. Everywhere else I have gone so far has paled in comparison to this little valley.

Honestly.... I kinda want to lie to you and tell you that Switzerland sucks so that you won't go and it will stay hidden.... it's that good. BUT.... I've been dying to share this post so (drumroll please) I give to you, the greatest place on earth.

Now I am going to be very candid here.... I strive to be a budget friendly, "Cheap", and affordable travel blog. That is the very essence of how I even have this blog and get to travel so often! But, in always striving to be real with you, I have to tell you that Switzerland isn't the most budget friendly option. There most definitely are ways to save money while visiting Switzerland, but in comparison to any other trips I have taken, Switzerland was by far the most spendy... it just depends on how you go about the trip. I will mention budget friendly options as well though.

If you read anything from this post... Let it be this:

The one thing that makes Lauterbrunnen so unique to me is it literally is just nestled in the tiniest valley. It is only one kilometer in width. And the canyon walls shoot straight up on either side of you. But for being so small, there is so much tucked into every little nook there. I mean, there are 72 waterfalls in this one kilometer area! 72!!!! And with the valley being so small in width, they didn't have much room to build, so instead they built upward. There are cities scattered along the walls and top of the canyon on either side! Cities that you can only get to by taking a gondola and have NO CARS there. It's absolutely mind boggling and wild and beautiful and bizarre all at once. There is no way to explain it. You simply must experience it.

This picture captures just how narrow the valley is, and how waterfalls are everywhere

Where should you stay??

One word: AIRBNB

My opinion on AIRBNB's fluctuates depending on the locations and options... but when in Switzerland, and the Lauterbrunnen or Gimmelwald area, an AIRBNB is the ONLY way you can't go wrong. In this little valley, it's so small they don't have addresses... the houses instead have names! I would tell you the official name of the one we stayed in... but I'll butcher the spelling. Here is a link to it instead though. (I don't make any sort of commission from airbnb). You can see Trümmelbach Falls right from the bedroom window! This is a pricier stay, but there are other small cottages all across the valley that have so much personality. They are as authentic as you can get!! You really can't go wrong with any AIRBNB here, they are all surrounded by beautiful views and perfectly swiss.


I personally have never actually stayed in a hostel, but I hear they are the best way to save money while traveling abroad. There are a few right in the valley for around $100/night. Just remember to stay safe!! Hostels low key scare me, but if that's your cup of tea, more power and all the respect to you!


You won't find any of your big chain hotels in this little village. You can find a few quaint hotels ran by locals though, that again are very authentically Swiss. A few options are the Hotel Oberland, Hotel Staubbach, and Hotel Eiger Muerren. I recommend checking these places out on Expedia or before booking to find more affordable rates.

What can you not miss while in Lauterbrunnen?

Ummm honestly... all of it... We spent 4 days here and were able to hit a large majority of the things we had intended, and every single one was a "must do" or "must see".

Paraglide in Gimmelwald:

If you are afraid of heights, you better get over it real quick and book your paragliding tour, because it is a once in a lifetime experience. Gimmelwald is one of the cities that I mentioned that you can only get to by gondola from the bottom of Lauterbrunnen. A tour guide will meet you at the top and walk you to a small hill. You'll strap up to your instructor, run at full speed down the hill, and all of the sudden you'll be floating. You'll look down and see the tiny village of Gimmelwald below you and then..... it all drops out under your feet as you go over the edge of the canyon and see Lauterbrunnen Valley below you. I can't put the experience into words for you. In that moment you are just so free!! And with the valley being so small, you most definitely will fly over wherever you are staying which is fun! A tip to not mess up the way we did: Pay them ahead of time, or bring some form of payment with you during the flight. We left our bags and wallets at the top of Gimmelwald before we took off... and when we got back to the valley floor had no way to pay our guides... and also no way to pay for a ticket back on the gondola to the top to get our things again!! Luckily our tour guides were kind and paid for our tickets to get back up to our bags where we then were able to pay them. You can upgrade your package to have them record on a go pro the entire time, which I did. But I can't tell you if it was worth it or not because I lost the flash drive while on the trip.... Highly recommend the splurge to Paraglide here!

Here is a GIF of me paragliding:

Hike Down from Mürren back to Gimmelwald:

Remember how I mentioned how there are a few cities that you can only get to by gondola?? Well a city above one of those is called Mürren. Take the gondola to the top to Mürren, and then hike back down to Gimmelwald. It is a somewhat lengthy hike, so make sure you make it down in time to get on the last gondola of the day! The views are stunning with cows wandering all around you as you pass little cottages. We passed one where a man sold cheese out of his kitchen!

Ride a Summer Gemel Schweiz in Grindelwald:

A Gemel is basically what they call Summer Sledding. It comes from the word 'velogemel' which is basically a snow bike that is an alternative to skiing. You take a gondola up to the top of Grindelwald (which if I'm remembering correctly you will need to take a train from Lauterbrunnen to Wengen first, and then the gondola up to Grindelwald). At the top you'll rent your gear and head to the track. You steer your Gemel by leaning with your body, and use the hand brake to slow down. You snake back and forth for MILES down the mountain, crossing cattle gaurds and passing cows left and right (so stay alert not to hit one lol). The views were amazing and the ride a thrill!!

Take a mountain train up to Jungraujoch Ice Caves (which is also the highest point in all of Europe):

You again will need to take a train first from Lauterbrunnen to Wengen, and then switch trains and take your final train to Jangraujoch. There is an observatory at the top with a chocolate shop and cafe we ate at. You can walk outside and look out from the tallest point in all of Europe!! But with being so high up you probably won't see too much... just a lot of snow and clouds. Still so cool to experience! Make sure to bundle up no matter the time of year. We were there in October and it was 12 degrees Fahrenheit. There are also ice caves within the peak of the mountain glacier there. They are entirely made up of ice, the floors, ceiling, walls, all of it!

View from the train on the way to the top of Jungraujoch

See all 72 waterfalls:

I don't know that there is much more that needs to be said here... There are 72 waterfalls within a mile of you, make it a goal to go see every one! Each one was stunning. There was one right outside our airbnb, in the middle of town, on hikes, literally everywhere. See if you can spot on by the main church in town in the picture below. This picture also captures just

Visit Castle Ruins:

There are castles everywhere all through Europe. In the Lauterbrunnen area you can see some extremely old ones that are barely still standing today, or if you drive a bit further, there is a huge white more "modern" (can a castle even be referred to as modern??) one that you can book tours of. Make sure you check the hours ahead of time, they stop letting guests in an hour before closing.

Oberhofen Castle

Go grocery shopping (just trust me):

I don't know what it was about the grocery stores here that I loved so much... but I was obsessed. The food is so different! The stores are SO TINY!!!!! It also will probably save you to cook some of your meals at home if you are staying in an Airbnb. This is also your best bet to buy loads of chocolate for less than you will find it anywhere else, and it is all just as delicious.

Eat ALL the chocolate and pastries:

There was a pastry I found while in Switzerland, that I have never been able to find anything like since. It was almost like a tiny raspberry jelly pie but the crust was more like it was made of crushed graham crackers? I bought one every time we saw them in the little bakeries and I would keep them in my coat pockets and eat them all day long! I wish I knew what they were called or how to make them... The first thing I'm doing when I go back is to find one of those! But really all of the baked goods and cheeses and chocolates are absolutely divine there. Try them all, and take loads home!

Purchase something from an "honesty shop":

In many of the higher mountain villages they have what roughly translates to as "honesty shops". Basically they are almost like tiny convenience stores left unlocked and unattended all the time (often in little barns or shacks off of someone's house) where you take what you would like, and leave the money that you believe it is worth. We bought some unpasteurized milk that was in a Rivella bottle (basically like their version of Coke there), and used it to make Hot Chocolate that night. It was the creamiest Cocoa I've ever had! I also bought a hand sewn patch from one of the shops and to this day it is my favorite one that I have ever collected.

Have an Authentic Swiss Meal in Lucerne at Stadkeller Restaurant:

The Stadkeller Restaurant is as authentic and Swiss as you can eat in Switzerland. Located in Lucerne (not to be confused with Lusaunne, which sounds almost the same when speaking, and which we mixed up and drove an hour in the wrong direction). You can enjoy a classic Swiss Dish while being serenaded by the yodler's, alphorn, and band! They have people dress up in a cow costume with a bell around its neck that runs through the restaurant as you eat. Prior to covid when we visited they would let you take a turn blowing the alphorn, which is actually a lot harder than it looks! You have to try both their cheese and chocolate fondue.

The cow that walks through the restaurant licking everyone.. It's a strange experience

The Cow Playground in Grindelwald:

When on your way up to Grindwald, there is a playground near where you can rent your Gemel to ride down the mountain. The playground is a giant cow with trampolines in the ground to hop between. We had wayyy to much fun on it as grown adults and teens at the time lol.

My sister and I, grown adults, playing on the playground

Look out over the Valley in Wengen:

Once you make it up to Wengen, the views are incredible. Okay, well the views are incredible literally at any point and anywhere, but I loved looking over the little village below while enjoying treats from the local bakery.

Visit the Swatch store in Interlaken:

If you are a collector kind of person who needs a souvenir on every trip like myself, make sure to stop by the Swatch store in Interlaken. Swatch is short for Swiss Watch. Even if you don't buy one, the store is just a fun and unique place to visit!

The Chocolate Factory in Lucerne:

There is a Chocolate factory right near the train station in Lucerne. They let you make your own chocolate, complete with whatever mix ins you would like, and take it home! This makes an awesome gift, and is the best way to indulge on the Swiss chocolate that I keep talking about.


Thank you for taking the time to read my guide on my time in Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland. This place truly is near and dear to my heart, and I so badly hope you get to experience it too someday and love it just as much as I did.

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